Monday, February 21, 2022

Reddit Removed Posts Viewer

Reddit is a treasure trove of information and I browse it daily for getting content, passing time, and contributing to the Subreddits that I follow. If you also love Reddit and browse it every day, you must have encountered deleted or removed comments and posts. Now, most of the time they don't bug me, however, if there's a conversation thread that is mentioning that comment, I do feel the need to read the comment to understand what's going on. And sometimes, I am just plain curious about why a comment or post was deleted. Well, while there is no foolproof method to get those comments back, there are some steps that you can take to uncover those deleted comments and posts.

reddit removed posts viewer - Reddit is a treasure trove of information and I browse it daily for getting content

So, in this article, we are going to show you how you can read deleted Reddit posts and comments. The term "meme" precedes the digital age, stemming from the Greek mim-ma, something imitated. Thus, memes are pieces of cultural information that remain relatively unchanged as they are passed between individuals in society through imitation.

reddit removed posts viewer - If you also love Reddit and browse it every day

In the modern age, the term has been co-opted by Internet users to mean snippets of information that self-replicate on the Internet (Dawkins 2016; Shifman 2014). When memes took the form of hashtags, tweets, photos, quotes or jokes shared repetitively on the web they became highly visible and a common source of data for social computer science researchers. They are transmitted from person to person through social media sites, online news, or blog posts and can reach extremely large audiences in short amounts of time.

reddit removed posts viewer - Now

These viral memes are important, shared social phenomena. They can represent common opinions, cultural norms , carry political power or motivate social change (Dynel 2020; Simmons et al. 2011; McClure 2016; Du et al. 2020). Humorous content may play a crucial role in the spread of memes as it encourages user interaction and creates a sense of in-group connection (Vásquez 2019). However, little is understood about what kind of information is so appealing to Internet users as to become viral.

reddit removed posts viewer - And sometimes

Ours is among few studies that places the content of memes under scholarly analysis. Unreddit is another chrome extension that fits the best alternative to the Un-delete Reddit comments extension. It works similar to Un-delete, but you can also read deleted Reddit posts along with deleted comments. The advantage of using Unreddit over Un-Delete is that the feature is limited to comments on Un-Delete; while, you can read deleted posts and comments using this tool.

reddit removed posts viewer - Well

The simple and most easy to read deleted reddit posts and comments is with Removeddit. We further processed the meme images, titles, and text from the images to enrich our feature set with more content-based features. These extracted features are listed in lines 13–22 of Table1 and discussed in more detail in the "Models and results" section.

reddit removed posts viewer - So

In the process of extracting the content-based features, we made a GET request on each link and observed the status code. Any post with a link that returned a 404 or other similar error was removed from the data set in order to avoid evaluating dead links. Further, any post with a media other than images, such as gifs, was removed as we only wished to consider image-based memes.

reddit removed posts viewer - The term meme precedes the digital age

These cleaning steps resulted in a total of 80,362 records for training and testing the machine learning models. After numerically encoding the image and text based content features that will be discussed in detail in the next couple sections, there were a total of 97 data attributes. Ceddit works similar to Removeddit and allows you to read deleted posts and comments by replacing the URL. Within a few years, this tool has gained immense popularity for allowing users to read the posts and comments deleted on Reddit. Though working similarly to Removeddit, it has a downside that users don't like; the service is not available most of the time.

reddit removed posts viewer - Thus

5 created from every word we gathered indicates certain topics are especially prevalent in the memes from late March, 2020. "Memat" is notably one of the prominent words in the word cloud. A popular meme-making website entitled mematic is used by many Reddit users, and each meme produced from the website contains a mematic watermark to indicate its origin.

reddit removed posts viewer - In the modern age

The watermark was apparently read by the OCR as text from the meme. Hence, "memat" is one of the more prominent texts found among the memes. The largest words in Fig.5 shows that current events do play a great role in the content of memes, though whether this sort of content has a great effect on popularity is another question.

reddit removed posts viewer - When memes took the form of hashtags

An initial analysis showed than in most cases, the words included in table 2 are just as prevalent in the top 5% viral memes as in non-viral memes. The largest difference we found was for the category COVID-19 synonyms in which 23% of dank memes contained at least one word from the category and 17% of not dank memes contained a word from that category. We aim to answer this question further in the following sections by studying the importance of these features to machine learning models. Some conclusions could be made based on the Reddit metadata alone. The created_utc feature contains the timestamp when the post appeared on Reddit in the Coordinated Universal Time zone .

reddit removed posts viewer - They are transmitted from person to person through social media sites

Since most active Reddit users reside in the USA , we converted this to North American Central Time Zone. Based on this feature we created a categorical feature representing the time of day, in four hour increments, when the post was created. The bottom subfigure of Fig.1 shows the effect of time of day on the normalized upvotes that posts received. Posts published on Reddit from midnight to noon Central US time have a higher chance to attract great attention.

reddit removed posts viewer - These viral memes are important

This result could mean that most upvotes on Reddit are accumulated during the course of the day, in USA time zones. The memes posted during daytime have more chance to receive moderate attention, while memes posted at night are more exposed to extreme events, meaning that receiving very low attention or great attention. The observation that memes posted at night have more chance to be dank is in line with the phenomenon that was observed by Sabate et al. based on the analysis of popularity of Facebook content. In addition to social network factors, the content and formatting of a meme can effect its popularity.

reddit removed posts viewer - They can represent common opinions

Reddit Posts Removed Tsur and Rappoport analyzed hashtags on Twitter, and found that brevity is the most important feature for the memes' popularity followed by certain legibility characteristics such as capitalization. Berger and Milkman found that more emotionally arousing text segments from online news are more likely to go viral . Our analysis of meme captions' length replicates the finding by Tsur et al. but our meme sentiment analysis differs from the Berger and Milkman finding. Others note that there is ever increasing engagement with political memes among adults on the Internet and express concern that political memes will be used to promote extremism or spread misinformation. According to a recent look at Twitter data, 30 percent of image-with-text memes contain political content (Du et al. 2020).

Reddit Posts Removed

There are also disparities among what political and demographic groups share those memes . WaybackMachine is an internet archiving service that takes snapshots of internet web pages and caches them so that you can find anything which has been deleted. This was created to preserve the history of the internet so people can go way back in time to see what the internet looked like at specific dates. The good thing is that you can use this tool to read deleted posts and comments. Since the website saves a screenshot every day, you have a high chance of finding the deleted post. Reddit is a social news site with a pool for communities to interact with similar interests and curate content.

reddit removed posts viewer - However

It is a community-driven website for users of similar and conflicting interests, passions and hobbies. Be it discussing the fan theories for marvel movies, discussing the NFL live streams or anything else in the world, Reddit makes you feel at home. However, many times, specific posts and comments are deleted by moderators, and it certainly drives other Redditors to need to know what was it about. So, can you read the deleted posts and comments on Reddit? Qualitative studies describe the symbols used in meme sub-genres and how their used but do not analyze the impact of these symbols on the memes popularity (Dynel 2016; Dynel and Messerrli 2020). Al. models how users' attention to image-with-text memes fluctuates over time (Bauckhage et al. 2013).

reddit removed posts viewer - Ours is among few studies that places the content of memes under scholarly analysis

It shows that evolving memes are more likely to gain popularity and stay popular for longer. Du et al. only study the text within image-with-text memes, claiming that the image is merely a neutral background or further emphasizes information already addressed in the text. Another study by Khosla et al. investigates the content and social contexts of popular images alone, using data from Khosla et al. . They found that certain colors, low-level image properties like hue, and represented objects correlate with increased image popularity.

reddit removed posts viewer - Unreddit is another chrome extension that fits the best alternative to the Un-delete Reddit comments extension

However, popularity on a photo-appreciation sight like Flickr is much different than the social undertones that go into memes. In our model, similar features to those considered by Khosla et al. show different relationships to image popularity. I'd also like to mention that the best porn subreddits can often get that title thanks to their support for original content. Guys can't get enough of the idea of a sexy chick using her account to share lewd images and the like – some even put up videos of themselves performing.

reddit removed posts viewer - It works similar to Un-delete

I think that one of the best elements of Reddit is the support for OC and so subreddits that have it are going to get a thumbs-up from me. Hell, I'd be willing to say that most, if not all of the best porn subreddits are based entirely on original content. I don't think my list of NSFW Reddits would be complete if it didn't include a big focus on self-hosted material from girls who really know how to fuck and suck in front of the camera! Some of these babes also feature on the live sex cam sites I recommend you check out – be sure to look for them if you love free erotic webcam shows.

reddit removed posts viewer - The advantage of using Unreddit over Un-Delete is that the feature is limited to comments on Un-Delete while

When the bot feels the comments or posts are spammy it deletes it without any warning. However, one can restore their comment or post by asking the moderators to lift the ban. The user can see their deleted Reddit posts or deleted comments when they access the deleted posts from their profile. It can be visible to only them and to the world, it will only show as the comment was deleted or the post was deleted. So, this was our hack to gain access to Deleted Reddit Posts and see removed Reddit Comments. Unreddit is another Chrome extension that can help you to read deleted Reddit comments and also show removed Reddit posts.

reddit removed posts viewer - The simple and most easy to read deleted reddit posts and comments is with Removeddit

To use this extension, Go to the Chrome extension store and type "Unreddit" in the search box. Click the first option and click the "Add to Chrome" button. On the following popup box, Click "Add Extension" and wait until the extension is added. The extension will automatically retrieve all the deleted comments for that post and show them to you. Figure 4 illustrate the relationship between the extracted text features and the normalized upvotes.

reddit removed posts viewer - We further processed the meme images

The framework in which memes compete for limited user attention suggests that users may respond best to memes with shorter texts. Indeed, we found that the amount of text a viewer is required to read correlates negatively with upvotes. This is in alignment with the findings of Kruizinga-de Vries et al. on the popularity of brand posts in the social media. The subreddits represent communities devoted to the creation of memes and consequently, the development of a shared sense of humor on Reddit. Most popular Internet content first went viral on Reddit, hence the websites catchphrase, so popular memes from these subreddits are likely representative of the content on many other Internet sites too. Additionally the strict etiquette implemented by the Reddit community and moderators ensures that posts align with the subreddit description .

reddit removed posts viewer - These extracted features are listed in lines 1322 of Table1 and discussed in more detail in the Models and results section

Thus, only image-with-text memes populate the five subreddits from which we scraped data. Instagram is making it easier to bring back deleted posts. The company is rolling out a "recently deleted" feature in the app that'll allow you to review content you've deleted, including photos, videos, reels, IGTV videos, and stories, and restore them.

reddit removed posts viewer - In the process of extracting the content-based features

Instagram is positioning this feature as helpful against hacks, particularly if hackers gain control of an account and start deleting content. Starting today, users will need to confirm they're the account owner through either text or email in order to permanently delete or restore content. Formerly known as "the front page of the internet", Reddit is an online forum platform with over 130,000 sub-forums and communities. The platform allows registered users, called Redditors, to post content. Each post is open to the entire Reddit community to vote upon, either by down- or upvotes.

reddit removed posts viewer - Any post with a link that returned a 404 or other similar error was removed from the data set in order to avoid evaluating dead links

The most popular posts are featured directly on the front page. Subreddits are available by category and Redditors can follow selected subreddits relevant to their interest and also control what content they see on their custom front page. Some of the most popular subreddits are r/AskReddit or r/AMA – the "Ask Me Anything" format. According to the company, Reddit hosted 1,800 AMAs in 2018, with a wide range of topics and hosts. One of the most popular Reddit AMA of 2020 by number of upvotes was by Bill Gates on the topic of the COVID-19 response of the Gates Foundation. Figure 10 shows the results of the incremental predictive ability analysis.

reddit removed posts viewer - Further

Not surprisingly, the model trained with all data outperformed the other models. This aligns with previous results in which text and network data held more predictive power for image popularity on Flickr (Khosla et al. 2014). It is impressive that adding only four network features increased the AUC by 0.02 for the Random Forest Model.

reddit removed posts viewer - These cleaning steps resulted in a total of 80

However, it is clear that they both have incremental predictive power over each other in both models. In addition to colors, we extracted the average hue, saturation, and value components of the meme images. These are low level image features because while HSV mimics the way human vision works, these components of an image are not always obvious to the viewer. The relationship between these attributes and meme popularity is visualized in Fig. Hue and saturation show a slight negative correlation with upvotes, indicating that yellow-green hued, less saturated images have a positive impact on popularity. Value shows a slight positive correlation, indicating that images with higher value, more distinct and less dark colors may get more upvotes.

reddit removed posts viewer - After numerically encoding the image and text based content features that will be discussed in detail in the next couple sections

These features tended to have significant predictive power in the machine learning models. The increasingly participatory nature of the Internet has made memes into a social phenomenon, created, altered, and spread by Internet users themselves. Today, memes are not only a source of humor but also draw attention to poignant cultural and political themes . Memes tend to reflect pressing global issues and while they are not always loyal to the facts (Simmons et al. 2011), they often show what the public is noticing most.

reddit removed posts viewer - Ceddit works similar to Removeddit and allows you to read deleted posts and comments by replacing the URL

Many authors have explored the social network factors that lead a meme to go viral but bracketed the impact that meme content may have on popularity (Gleeson et al. 2015, 2014; Weng et al. 2012). In other areas of human achievement viral success is closely linked with merit (Yucesoy and Barabási 2016), but it is unclear what characteristics lead a meme to have merit. This paper investigates the relationship between a meme's content, excluding social network features, and its popularity.

reddit removed posts viewer - Within a few years

Along the way, it exposes what topics were popular on the Internet during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our team decided to add an extra method if the above steps do not help you read the deleted Reddit posts. Unreddit is a chrome extension that can help you to see the removed reddit posts or comments as well. To install, simply go to the google chrome extension store and search Unreddit in the store itself. You can click here to simply to go the extension page if you are lazy.

reddit removed posts viewer - Though working similarly to Removeddit

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